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Lancer Radio needs your support!

It takes a lot to make an amazing student resource like Lancer Radio work.  Although college funds have been provided to the station in the past, college funding is never guaranteed.  As such, we rely on the generous donations of our active listeners, supporters and alumni to help keep Lancer Radio alive and well!

The amount you donate helps the station to:

You may donate any amount, and, as Lancer Radio is a non-profit organization, your donation is completely tax deductible!  So, please donate today and help Lancer Radio to continue to be the incredible “real-world” resource our students need to succeed in the broadcasting industries!


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Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


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Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


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  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


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A Program of Pasadena City College
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Blog Archives

COVID changed the nature of Lancer Radio’s coverage, but it hasn’t hurt our spirits. Sadly, we can’t ‘broadcast’ the parade live this year, but thanks to the dedicated work, skills and talents of Pasadena City College radio and television students,

Posted in Featured, Projects, Rose Parade Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Each year, PCC’s radio students put in a tremendous amount of time and passion into our annual 4-hour live broadcast of the Pasadena Rose Parade.  We look forward to sharing this show with you every year, but we also realize

Posted in Featured, Projects, Rose Parade Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

The Monday-morning atmosphere at Tournament House was festive. Parents and friends of the thirty Royal Court finalists chatted, snapped pictures and found seats in the garden.  PCC’s Tournament of Roses Honor Band played a rousing medley.  Members of the media

Posted in Featured, Rose Parade Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

The Tournament of Roses ® have announced the Grand Marshal of the 2013 Rose Parade ®: Dr. Jane Goodall!  Primatologist, conservationist and author Dr. Goodall is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, as well as the worldwide youth conservation

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Over twenty students participated in the live-remote broadcast of this year’s Pasadena Rose Parade.  This is the 2nd year Lancer Radio has produced this two-hour event, and thanks to the hard work and dedication of these students, as well as

Posted in Featured, Rose Parade Tagged with: , ,