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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
8:00 am
Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


9:00 am
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2:00 pm
Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


3:00 pm
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  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


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A Program of Pasadena City College
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Did you know that the late Gene Kelly spoke fluent French?

Most people don’t.

Though Kelly was a beloved entertainer, a choreographer whose work forever changed the look of dance in films, and a gifted director, he was an intensely private individual.

Now his widow, Patricia Ward Kelly, has created a live show to honor her husband, and continue his legacy of innovation and excellence.  Mrs. Kelly brought her program,  Gene Kelly: the Legacy, an Evening with Patricia Ward Kelly,  to the Pasadena Playhouse in March.

Mrs. Kelly, who is a biographer, journalist and film historian, interviewed Gene Kelly over a ten-year period while working with him on his memoirs.  During her stage presentation, Mrs. Kelly shares both rare and well-known film clips, along with audio from some of the interviews and some of her favorite memorabilia.


Mrs. Kelly talked about her first meeting with Gene Kelly, gave some insights into the man she knew and offered a preview of her upcoming presentation.