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It takes a lot to make an amazing student resource like Lancer Radio work.  Although college funds have been provided to the station in the past, college funding is never guaranteed.  As such, we rely on the generous donations of our active listeners, supporters and alumni to help keep Lancer Radio alive and well!

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A Program of Pasadena City College
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// Sep/24/2013

Lancer Radio Bids Farewell to “Independents Day”


Nearly 4 years ago, PCC Radio Broadcasting student, Joe Armstrong developed his radio show Independents Day,” as a class assignment for an advanced radio production class.  From these humble beginnings, Armstrong has cultivated and curated his weekly music show, which now boasts well over 100 episodes.  “Independents Day” proves just as powerful and professional a dose of quality content as anyone might hear on commercial and non-commercial radio, alike.  Joe’s abilities as a producer, curator and musician himself have lent themselves well to a weekly program that promises in depth interviews with independent musicians and live-studio sessions, never to be heard anywhere else.

Joe Armstrong’s show is moving on, to bigger and better things I have no doubt!  During his tenure here, many students have benefited from assisting with operating this show – learning skills unique to the very nature of recording and mixing live musicians.

Lancer Radio was better for the consistently high-level professional and engaging quality of Joe Armstrong’s unique producing abilities, and both he and his show “Independent’s Day” will be missed.  Good luck, Joe and we all expect to be hearing you over the airwaves soon!  It’s not if….it’s when!

To listen to past episodes of “Independents Day,” visit him on the web at:

~Sarah Barker