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It takes a lot to make an amazing student resource like Lancer Radio work.  Although college funds have been provided to the station in the past, college funding is never guaranteed.  As such, we rely on the generous donations of our active listeners, supporters and alumni to help keep Lancer Radio alive and well!

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You may donate any amount, and, as Lancer Radio is a non-profit organization, your donation is completely tax deductible!  So, please donate today and help Lancer Radio to continue to be the incredible “real-world” resource our students need to succeed in the broadcasting industries!


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


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Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


Variety of Tunes


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  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes



  • Variety of Tunes


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A Program of Pasadena City College
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Actor/producer/writer Dan Bucatinsky becomes a dad…after an emotional roller-coaster ride of meeting with birth moms and going through the adoption process. Then…he and his husband Don discover that that was the easy part!

In his book, “Does This Baby Make Me Look Straight? Confessions of a Gay Dad”, Dan writes with raw honesty and humor about his journey as a gay parent. The experiences he and Don navigate, as new parents, are both hilarious and moving. (What mom wouldn’t sympathize with Dan’s experience, when he sits up late at night gluing glitter on Valentines for daughter Eliza and son Jonah…only to have them forget to make a Valentine for him?)

Dan, who will be a guest in San Gabriel Valley Pride’s Author’s Lounge at Pride Festival 2012, Sunday, October 14th on the PCC campus, talks about his decision to become a parent…and the trials, tribulations, and sense of wonder he and Don have experienced, as they watch their children grow.