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A Program of Pasadena City College
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Blog Archives

Each year, PCC’s radio students put in a tremendous amount of time and passion into our annual 4-hour live broadcast of the Pasadena Rose Parade.  We look forward to sharing this show with you every year, but we also realize

Posted in Featured, Projects, Rose Parade Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Pasadena based Phoenix Decorating Company, co-founded by Bill Lofthouse,  has been in the float-building business since 1956!  Today, company President, Chris Lofhouse operates the “family-own” business, and who better to oversee a creative float decorating team, than a guy who

Posted in Featured, Projects, Rose Parade Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Lancer Radio’s, Reporter Natalie Stromme speaks with Staff Sgt. Michael Hatfield about the 21 Equestrian Units that participated in the Tournament of Roses “EquestFest” this year. The annual EquestFest provides a forum for these teams to boast their skill and

Posted in Featured, Rose Parade Tagged with: , ,

The City of La Canada chose a bent towards the “pre-historic” this year with their 2013 Rose Parade entry, “Dino-Soar”.  Lancer Radio’s Feature Reporter, Kelly Kubik visited with the over 100 volunteers on the float-building crew this year, as well

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The City of Burbank has entered a float into the Pasadena Rose Parade every year since 1914, and this year is certainly no different.  This year, Lancer Radio Feature Reporter, Dot Cannon visits with the creators of the City of

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Feature reporter and radio documentarian, as well as PCC radio student, Dot Cannon was the recipient of the College Broadcasters, Inc. Award for “Best Radio Documentary Feature”.  This awards reflects the outstanding producing Mrs. Cannon exhibited with her feature series

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Lancer Radio feature reporter Dot Cannon gets a look at what’s involved in getting the Honor Band prepared for their 83rd consecutive march down Colorado Boulevard!  PCC Director of Bands Kyle Luck, Honor Band drum major Esteban De Leon, 2010

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Lancer Radio feature reporter, Patrick Gonzaga gets the scoop on the “tech” behind the beautiful floats highlighted in the annual Pasadena Rose Parade.  As a parade spectator, we’re often taken with the delicate floral arrangements these floats boast, but underneath

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