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Variety of Tunes


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  • Variety of Tunes


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A Program of Pasadena City College
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The University of Oxford is at least nine hundred sixteen years oldWhile no one knows exactly when it was founded, there are records of classes being taught at Oxford in A.D. 1096…which makes it the oldest university in the English-speaking world.  And next year, it could become a part of your college experience. Pasadena City College’s Study Abroad Office is sponsoring a semester at Oxford, England next spring…with English classes in “Mystery and Crime Fiction” and “Film as Literature,” and Performing Arts classes in “Oral Interpretation,” “Introduction to Theatre” and “Fundamentals of Speech”!   The two instructors will be Dr. Judith Branzburg, from PCC’s English division, and Professor Whitney Rydbeck, from PCC’s Theatre department.  Dr. Branzburg, who is the author of the travel mystery novel The Paris Adventures of Judith and Amy, was the lead teacher for Semester Abroad in Oxford in 2009.  She talked about the upcoming trip and some of her favorite experiences abroad.

Want to know more about the Oxford semester?  There will be information meetings on Tuesday, October 16th and Tuesday, November 15th, at 12 noon and 6 p.m. in Room C217!